Benefits of training for the elderly and elderly

We have already discussed a lot about training and physical exercise for the elderly, but we still needed to talk about the benefit of doing it, so if you have not yet convinced yourself to start exercising, let me help you!

It is already known that physical training brings innumerable benefits to our body, and this is not limited to the body of a young person, regardless of age you can enjoy innumerable benefits even if you are an older adult.

Obviously, you are not going to perform the same exercises as a younger person, in fact, you should not even perform the same volume of training.

You will have to adapt the exercises and the amount of training to your age


what the main benefits for your physical and mental health would be when starting any exercise routine that is appropriate for your age.


EXERCISE AT AN OLDER AGE HELPS YOU MAINTAIN OR LOSE WEIGHT. Since metabolism naturally slows with age, maintaining a healthy weight is challenging.

Exercise will help you increase your metabolism and build some muscle mass, which have many benefits, including helping you burn more calories.

IT ALSO REDUCES THE IMPACT OF CHRONIC DISEASES AND DISEASES. People who exercise tend to have more optimized immune and digestive function, better blood pressure, and even better bone density.

Not counting a lower probability of suffering from diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, among many others.

PHYSICAL EXERCISE IMPROVES MOBILITY, FLEXIBILITY AND BALANCE IN OLD AGE. Exercise improves your strength, flexibility, and posture, which in turn will help with balance, coordination, and lower risk of falling.

And like I said before, strength training also helps relieve symptoms of chronic conditions like arthritis.


PHYSICAL EXERCISE IMPROVES SLEEP. Quality sleep is vital to overall better health. Regular activity can help you fall asleep more quickly, sleep more soundly, and wake up feeling more energetic and refreshed.

EXERCISE INCREASES MOOD AND SELF-CONFIDENCE. Exercise is a great stress reliever, and the endorphins produced can help reduce feelings of sadness, depression, or anxiety. Being active and feeling strong will help you feel more confident about yourself.

EXERCISE DOES AMAZING THINGS FOR THE BRAIN. Activities like Sudoku or crossword puzzles can help you keep an active brain, but these activities are far from the beneficial effects of exercise on the brain.

It can help brain functions as diverse as multitasking and creativity, and it can help prevent memory loss, cognitive decline, and dementia.

An active life can even help slow the progression of certain brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease.


To achieve all the benefits you name above, we must overcome certain obstacles in order to stay active as we age.

The truth is, starting or maintaining a regular exercise routine can be challenging at any age, and it doesn’t get any easier as you get older.

We may have more time now, but one is also likely to be discouraged by health issues, aches and pains, or concerns about injuries or falls.

If you’ve never exercised before, you may not know where to start, or you may think that you are too big or weak, and that you will never be able to meet the standards you set when you were younger. Or even think that exercise is boring.

While these may seem like good reasons to slow down and take things a lot easier, I think they are even great reasons to get moving.

Becoming more active can energize your mood, relieve stress, help you control the symptoms of certain diseases or pain, and best of all, it optimizes your overall sense of well-being.

And the best part is that to reap the benefits of physical exercise in old age you don’t have to do strenuous workouts or long trips to the gym.

You can get many of these benefits by adding more movement and activity to your daily life, even in small doses.

No matter your age or physical condition, it is never too late for your body to move, improve your health and your outlook on life. Yes indeed! Always with the approval and support of your doctor, who is the one who can help you the most at this stage.

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