How to increase Muscle Vascularization?

Do you want to know how to make your muscles mark the veins? You are not alone, for many, vascularity is the hallmark of an advanced physique. Let’s see how to achieve it with these 3 tips!

There are 3 methods to obtain a more vascularized body and that allows you to give a plus in a bodybuilding competition.

None are going to make your veins increase in size as a whole, this cannot be achieved, but they are going to make changes in your body so that you notice certain changes!

How to get more vascularized muscles?

Focus on your cardio training

First, cardiovascular exercise increases blood flow and the rate at which blood flows throughout the body.

As your heart beats at a rapid rate, blood pressure increases, vasodilation and proliferation of capillaries is stimulated.

In summary? Cardio promotes the dilation of arteries, veins and capillaries throughout the body while improving the health of the heart, lungs and allowing more nutrients to reach the muscle.

Beware of liquid retention

The second way that vascularity is improved is by reducing water retention.

Unwanted fluid can be kept in the interstitial and subcutaneous spaces throughout the body and can spoil the appearance of the body when preparing for a competition.

As in a bodybuilding competition the factor of “fluid retention” counts a lot, improving this can also be achieved with cardiovascular exercise, for example, by promoting sweating.

Now, it is important to clarify that it is not very healthy to try to show a body with more venous muscles in this way.

Keep in mind that good hydration is necessary in any type of training. And although in competitions certain “traps” are usually resorted to, in normal conditions we should not resort to it.

Decreases the% of body fat

A third way, and one of the ones that most influences vascularity to be increased, is by burning excess fat, including the subcutaneous fat in charge of hiding the muscles and vascularity.

This, again, we can achieve with cardiovascular training and with an adequate diet.

Why is this point so influential? Because the less fatty tissue, the greater the venous and muscular visibility, the body feels more defined and more torn.


How You View Cardiovascular exercise can be one of the most powerful tools to help you achieve a competitive appearance., obviously I am dismissing the fact that I am doing high intensity weight training.

If you don’t, then that’s where you should start.

Finally, keep in mind that the fact that your muscles are more or less venous also depends on your own body, which offers certain limits and to which you should never compare with another person.

There are many variants that come into play whether they are nutritional, genetic, training, and more than ever they will allow 2 bodies to look the same, for this reason do not focus too much on an aspect that only serves to compete and does not show the real of your capabilities.

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