Types of Physical Exercises and their Characteristics

Knowing the different types of physical exercises is something of vital importance for anyone who wants to train and dedicate themselves to improving their sports skills, if this is your case, let’s see what you need to know to achieve your goals.

Exercises are the main tools for the maintenance of the body in terms of Fitness and well-being.

Unfortunately, as we age, our physical capacities diminish.

This being a natural reaction to the decrease in the number of various hormones that are present within our bodies at an early age.

Fortunately, and as we saw earlier in the weight training article, there is evidence to suggest that frequent physical exercise has many benefits on the human body, which can even last a lifetime.

For example, in addition to helping the immune system and reducing the risk of many diseases, it also provides us with psychological or mental benefits that cannot be overlooked.

As you can see, and in addition to being something that we constantly repeat, it is very important to maintain an active and healthy life, and for this we will explain today the different types of general exercises that exist.

So that? In order to choose the one that best suits your goals and thus achieve the important benefit of maintaining an optimal state of health.

The 4 basic types of exercises

1: the aerobic and endurance exercise

This type of exercise is aimed at increasing cardiovascular endurance. Aerobic exercise requires a long-term training period in order for the trained muscles to maintain energy and cope with the presence of lactic acid.

Aerobic exercise takes advantage of aerobic metabolism by allowing oxygen to help generate energy. Examples include walking, hiking, running, swimming, or even cycling.

  • Enter to see the everything about Cardio training!

2: the anaerobic exercise: speed and power

This is a type of exercise that is based on muscle work as an engine using the energy that comes from short – term reserves stored in muscles.

Anaerobic metabolism is crucial for hard training, where peak performance lasts for about 2 minutes.

Examples would be those sports where we do not appeal to endurance, such as: sprinting, weight lifting, high intensity interval training, etc.

3: the flexibility exercise

It is the third type of exercise that aims to improve the range of motion of the muscles and joints. This would include everything related to stretching, such as Yoga and stretching.

  • Enter to see the everything about Flexibility training!

4: the exercise of force, balance and stability

The last type of exercise but is no less important, which improves strength and thus the balance.

And improving balance allows us to feel more stable and helps prevent falls for example. This is especially important as we age, when the systems that help us balance our vision, our inner ear, and our muscles and joints tend to break down.

  • Enter to see the everything about strength training!

Types of exercises according to the type of training

  • STRENGTH TRAINING: Uses resistance to build strength, endurance, and muscle tissue.
  • AGILITY TRAINING: is a way to increase the ability to make rapid changes in position covering speed, balance, reflexes, strength, endurance and coordination.
  • RESISTANCE TRAINING: Take advantage of some form of resistance (hydraulic or elastic) to work your muscles.
  • SPEED AND POWER TRAINING: Speed ​​and power training are very specific activities. The best way to train for speed is with high-speed, low-resistance contractions.
  • Interval workouts – Allows the body to rapidly alternate the intensity of exercise over time intervals.
  • Continuous endurance training: training for a long time without rest periods.

The exercise in short seeks to exert a certain pressure on the selected part of the body in order to increase its specific qualities.

Although keep in mind that too much stress will have negative effects.

Physical exercise also requires recovery time to repair any damaged tissue and promote the formation of new cells.

Three tips to apply to your exercises and routines

1) Overexercise is a high-risk activity that can lead to serious complications. The risk of physical tissue damage is high, the trained muscle can quickly begin to release toxins into the bloodstream.

If there is injury, the result of the training will be lost and we will obtain a dramatic decrease in recovery capacity, so it is vitally important to avoid any practice or omit any important recommendation when it comes to preventing injury.

2) exercise produces natural endorphins that affect your mood in a positive way. Stopping training suddenly can have adverse effects on mood.

By breaking the hormonal balance, it is destabilized and can create a feeling of depression or nervousness.

3)  Physical exercise requires the body to perform a prior warm-up to help prepare for intense training.

After this, a cool-down period will help to relax the body and restore normal functionality, such as full range of motion and a stable temperature.

If you want to continue reading more about training and physical exercise, I recommend the following articles:

  • What is training periodization?
  • Work out in the gym or at home? Which option is better?
  • How long should your workout last?
  • Series and Repetitions in Training

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