What is the best time to train?

Do you want to know what is the best time to train in the gym? In this article we are going to analyze the subject and see if there is an ideal time to train and what it would be

To begin with, let me tell you that in human beings there are a wide variety of physiological functions governed by the circadian rhythm.

Biological rhythms that last around 24 hours are called “circadian rhythms

The regulation of body temperature and the secretion of various hormones such as cortisol, for example, can be cited as an example. Even the cardiovascular, ventilatory, and metabolic systems exhibit circadian rhythms.

One of the phases of this cycle is the acrophase (the most active part from the beginning of the cycle) and represents the estimated time to reach the peak of the cycle.

The acrophase is reached between dusk and the beginning of the night.

How does circadian rhythm influence training?

So, sports performance varies depending on the time of day? Several studies have tried to show the influence of the time of day on measures of power and anaerobic capacity.

The results of these studies have clearly established that the peak of performance was between 16:30 and 18:00. Therefore, the highest peak in sports performance would coincide with the acrophase of the circadian rhythm.

This peak performance that takes place before dark can be explained by the fact that body temperature is at its highest peak at that time.

In fact, there is a relationship between the change in body temperature and performance peaks, the latter being greater when the body temperature is higher.

Some authors emphasize that the change in muscle strength as a function of the time of day could be partially explained by the subject’s motivation to perform an exercise.

But even so, our motivation also shows variations during the day, which are also influenced by the circadian rhythm. Therefore, the later we get to feel that motivation could help us improve power performance at night.

Then what is the best time to train in the gym?

The time of day affects the following parameters: isometric and isotonic strength, aerobic capacity and power, as well as movement and temperature skills.

In fact, the fact that we feel more “awake” in the evening and the increase in our motivation between that period contributes indirectly, but strongly, to the increase in muscular strength.

So, the ideal time to train in the gym can be between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., depending on the time of year.

This does not mean that you cannot train at another time, only that physiologically it is the best time to do it.

However, if your daily occupations do not allow you to train during the afternoon, do not stop doing it for this circumstance, adjust your schedules and find a free moment during the day to dedicate it to your body.

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